Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 1, 2007

Today was a rather nice day to be tied to a dock. This morning we had a thunderstorm of not so great magnitude but it was nice to be snug as a bug. It rained really hard and then kind of let up and off and on through the day it has showered or sprinkled on us. But all in all it was not too bad to be out in it. The wind has come up some now and they say that we will have more rain tonight and tomorrow. There are a few more boats tied up this afternoon and a couple more in the area off the docks where most sailboats are anchored in. I was always mindful that if the gulls are sitting on the docks and not fishing then it’s probably a good idea to stay in. The pelicans are also just sitting around here today preening their feathers and some have even just tucked their necks in under a wing and I think they are sleeping. When they set on the docks they really make a smelly mess if you know what I mean.

The coast guard arrived a bit ago and is checking out the Portuguese guy’s boat and I am assuming either giving them the okay to sail or telling them what they need to do to become seaworthy and to comply with the rules. The Coast Guard was driving this fancy RIB boat with everything on it and two Hondas powering it. Good choice.

I took another walk around town and looked at more of the antique stores and all the rest of the shops since this is kind of a tourist town as well. The town has had eight different flags flown over it during its life. There is a fort called Fort Clinch which was established in 1864 and was occupied by the First New York Engineers Unit during the Civil War and the fort overlooks the Cumberland Sound which when I cross it, I will be in the State of Georgia.

On this trip you plan things only as they happen. This morning I was getting my stuff ready to go take a shower in the shower building and just as I got it together it started to rain. I don’t like to walk about a quarter mile to the bathrooms and showers in the rain to get wet as well and then walk back in the rain and get wetter. The good thing about this decision is you can put it off till later. Well, later has arrived and now the wind has picked and it is no fun walking around in a very cool breeze just after a hot shower, so maybe tomorrow will get better as I am only sleeping with me and heaven knows I am okay with this decision for now. It could, however, change in another hour and I might feel like walking over there. But when you do remember this, if you are shy, people in the restaurant will wonder why you are walking down the boardwalk at dusk carrying a towel on a day when people are not going to the beach.

The wind is blowing from the paper mill behind us toward the dock but it is blowing hard enough you can hardly smell it. Course it also means that since it is cooling off I have my back door closed as well. It was chilly enough to me that I turned my heat on for a while just to take the dampness out of the boat. I just noticed that two of the yachts behind me look like they are the same size and make. Well I think I will make like a gull and tuck my head under my wing as long as I can and enjoy a very pastel sunset. I just looked out over the sound and there was a gull sitting on the water but floating by me at the speed of the wind, I hope he does not do that very long cause he could find himself a long way from home.

A boat which left earlier this afternoon just came back, it was about 50 feet long or so, so the sound must be kicking up pretty good out there now for them to come back here because they left about noon today. The wind may die a little at dusk but it is predicted to be strong today and tomorrow. Time will tell.

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